Rexroth MCR radial piston motors are slow-running mobile hydraulics motors that provide dependable hydrostatic power using the multiple-stroke principle, optimizing the relationship between roll diameter and cam profile inside the central hydraulic power unit. Result: The best possible balance of hydraulic forces between piston and cam path – which lengthens the piston motor’s service life. A step-piston or a high-displacement power unit can be counted on for a very compact drive unit with high power density, and MCR motors can be used with both open and closed electronic circuits.

Model Code MCR 03, Series 3X
Radial Piston Motor, Multi-Stroke Design
Key Features:
- Sizes 160 to 400
- Maximum output torque 2300 Nm
- Speed up to 875 rpm
- Open and Closed Circuits
- Available with bi-directional two speed, integrated flushing and speed sensor

Model Code MCR 05, Series 3X
Radial Piston Motor, Multi-Stroke Design
Key Features:
- Sizes 380 to 820
- Torque output up to 4900 Nm
- Speed up to 570 rpm
- Open and Closed Circuits
- Available with bi-directional two speed, integrated flushing and speed sensor

Model Code MCR X, Series 3X
Radial Piston Motor for Slew Drives
Key Features:
- Torque output up to 3700 Nm
- Open Circuits
- Anti-shock cross-port reliefs
- Anti-cavitation valves

Model Code MCR 10, Series 3X
Radial Piston Motor, Multi-Stroke Design
Key Features:
- Sizes 1130 to 2150
- Maximum output torque 13700 Nm

Model Code MCR 15, Series 3X
Radial Piston Motor, Multi-Stroke Design
Key Features:
- Sizes 1130 to 2150
- Maximum output torque 13700 Nm

Model Code MCR 20, Series 3X
Radial Piston Motor, Multi-Stroke Design
Key Features:
- Sizes 1750 to 3000
- Maximum output torque 17000 Nm