Electrification Breaking New Boundaries
The Mobile Off-Highway Equipment market has always been driven by hydraulic technology. With its long-running history, some even question if it’s an industry capable of undergoing “electrification.” Tim is eager to discuss that industry in today’s episode. One he describes as a complete transformation, a transformation driven solely by technological advancements.
Hydraulics and electrics have been around for over a century, and looking back 40 years; electrics began to displace hydraulics in select industrial applications. However, within the past decade, we’ve started to see electrics move into business sectors that were once considered impossible for electrics to handle.
The electric vehicle is a prime example. The electric vehicle market appears to be fully functional and ready to move into widespread adoption, posing some healthy competition for the internal combustion engine. Which, in turn, sparks our curiosity: Is there another business sector that could benefit from this new technology? Is another market being operated by hydraulic technology ready to transition to electric technology?
The answer is ‘yes,’ and that market is Mobile Off-Highway Equipment.
Despite hydraulic technology’s long reign in the industry, Bosch Rexroth has begun the electrification of mobile off-highway equipment with their recent introduction of a new product line.
Dr. Jonathan Meyer, Bosch Rexroth’s Technical Product Specialist for Electro-Hydraulic Products, is on the Evolution in Controls hot seat today. Before his career at Bosch Rexroth, Dr. Meyers attended the University of Minnesota for his doctorate, studying hydraulic-hybrid passenger vehicles, the optimization, and the controls for hydraulic systems.
In 2013, Jonathan began his time with Bosch Rexroth, working in the mobile electronics division and focused on writing software for customer and platform projects.
In 2018, he moved over to the sales side, shifting his focus to understanding customers and their needs. Then in 2019, as Rexroth launched their electric drive portfolio for the off-highway market, he was appointed as the product specialist in the U.S. for the portfolio’s product line.
Be sure to hear the enlightening conversation between Tim and Jonathan as they discuss this new technology, Bosch Rexroth’s exciting new product line, and its potential impact on the Mobile Off-Highway Equipment Industry.
If you’re looking to learn more about Bosch Rexroth Electrification, be sure to visit https://www.boschrexroth.com/en/xc/transforming-mobile-machines/electrification/