Page Header Options:
There are two options for the header of any page.
- A simple header with just the page name
- A curved header
To change the type of header, scroll to the bottom of the page in the WP-Admin area of the specific page to the “Custom Page Options” section. Select the type of header you want. When you select the “Curved Header” Option, select the image you want to use in the background in the “Curved Header BG Image” field.
H1 Heading -> 85px
H2 Heading -> 60px
H3 Heading 48px
H4 Heading -> 44px
H5 Heading -> 32px
H6 Heading -> 26px
Body Copy:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque posuere dapibus justo, vitae consectetur turpis commodo pellentesque. In sit amet blandit lacus. Vivamus finibus vehicula auctor. Sed vitae nisi pulvinar, bibendum est id, accumsan quam. Duis fermentum et leo nec vehicula. Praesent quis est vehicula leo consectetur suscipit ut a arcu. Mauris quis viverra urna, vel scelerisque nibh. Nunc dolor est, ultricies quis metus ut, consequat finibus dolor.
Body Copy -> 22px
- List 1
- List 2
- List 3
add a class of “redPlus_List” to add the red plus signs the list items instead of bullet points
To Create a button, use the default Genesis Button and change the color of the text and background to any color
Colors Pre-Installed On The Site:
HEX CODE: #FE111B (Primary Color)
HEX CODE: #3F4855 (Secondary Color)
HEX CODE: #BAC8D4 (Tertiary Color)
HEX CODE: #000000
HEX CODE: #3F4855
HEX CODE: #771319
Fonts Pre-Installed On The Site:
AvertaStd Black
To add the “AvertaStd Black” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_Black” to any element
AvertaStd Black Italic
To add the “AvertaStd Black Italic ” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_BlackItalic” to any element
AvertaStd Bold
To add the “AvertaStd Bold ” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_Bold” to any element
AvertaStd Bold Italic
To add the “AvertaStd Bold Italic” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_BoldItalic” to any element
To add the “AvertaStd_Extra Bold” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_Extrabold” to any element
AvertaStd Extra Bold Italic
To add the “AvertaStd Extra Bold Italic” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_ExtraboldItalic” to any element
AvertaStd Extra Thin
To add the “AvertaStd Extra Thin” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_Extrathin” to any element
AvertaStd Extra Thin Italic
To add the “AvertaStd Extra Thin Italic” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_ExtrathinItalic” to any element
AvertaStd Light
To add the “AvertaStd Light” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_Light” to any element
*Used as the Secondary Font*
To add the “AvertaStd Light Italic” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_LightItalic” to any element
AvertaStd Regular
To add the “AvertaStd Regular” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_Regular” to any element
*Used as the Primary font and the font for the body copy*
AvertaStd Regular Italic
To add the “AvertaStd Regular Italic” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_RegularItalic” to any element
AvertaStd Semibold
To add the “AvertaStd Semibold” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_Semibold” to any element
*Used as the Tertiary Font and the for the heading elements*
To add the “AvertaStd Semibold Italic” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_SemiboldItalic” to any element
AvertaStd Thin
To add the “AvertaStd Thin” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_Thin” to any element
AvertaStd Thin Italic
To add the “AvertaStd Thin Italic” font, add a class name of “AvertaStd_ThinItalic” to any element