Ergonomic Solutions, Custom Designs, & Startup Support

Evolution Motion Solutions offers ergonomic solutions by Bosch Rexroth for lift assist and torque reaction requirements. These solutions include torque tubes, torque arms, balancers, carbo-arms, and gantry systems; each solution is designed for any angle or linear motion requirement. Additionally, Rexroth’s ergonomic solutions can be designed as single-tool or multi-tool applications upon request.





Our teams are ready and available to meet on request for application review.
- Wheel-multi designs
- Powerheads
- Custom outputs
- Feed grippers
Custom demands for project management and field services are our priority. With ever-decreasing technical resources, we can design our services to meet individual project demands of the industry.
- Project management
- Startup integration
- Service & support
Evolution employs electrical and mechanical engineering teams to meet the high demand of the joining and tightening industry. Evolution can supply concepts to complete, including on-site management and startup personnel for every application.
For more technical information on Rexroth’s Ergonomic Solutions, visit Rexroth’s online resources here.