ELD Series

These coolers use a combination of high performance cooling elements combined long life DC electrical powered fans to give long trouble free operation in mobile hydraulic applications. The compact design allows the coolers to fit most equipment and provide the highest cooling performance in heat dissipation while minimizing space required.
- Most coolers are designed with the inlet/outlet ports facing toward the back to help reduce fittings
- Available with internal pressure bypass
- All units feature a built in thermostat port
- 12 and 24 volt DC fans
- Up to 50 HP cooling capacity
- Rated flows up to 45 gpm
- Motor lifetimes up to 8,000 hours
ELH Series

These coolers use a combination of high performance cooling elements combined with high capacity hydraulic drive fan to give long trouble free operation in mobile hydraulic applications. The compact design allows the coolers to fit most equipment and provide the highest cooling performance in heat dissipation while minimizing space required.
- ELD 2 – 5 coolers are designed with the inlet/outlet ports facing toward the back to help reduce fittings
- Available with internal pressure and temperature bypass
- All units feature a built in thermostat port
- Up to 180 HP cooling capacity
- Rated flows up to 90 gpm
- Hydraulic motor drive offers more cooling in a smaller package
- Optional thermal speed control and pressure relief (consult factory)

All of Your Needs in ONE Package!
With the increased demands for energy efficiency and noise emission requirements for Mobile Equipment requires Cooling Systems to be developed to specific custom dimensions for each vehicle.
HYDAC coolers use a combination of high performance cooling elements combined with high capacity hydraulic driven fan solutions.
Long life DC electrical fans provide long trouble free operation in mobile hydraulic applications. The compact design of HYDAC cooling systems allows us to fit in most equipment, providing highest cooling performance.
To comply with legal requirements for noise, fuel economy and emissions (TIER IV) we have a series of advantageous solutions, space optimization and increased cooling efficiency available.
- Integrated pressure / thermal bypass valves
- Hydraulic driven fan with proportional and reversible function
- Electrical speed controlled fan drive systems